Wednesday, July 15, 2015

How an Awkward Person Says Goodbye

So many people are saying goodbye to all of us, but saying goodbye is hard for me. I don't want to say it for many reasons. One, I don't want to leave. Leaving Madrid and going back to the United States is hard. It's like I've been living a dream and now I have to go back to reality. I miss my family and friends, but I don't want to go back to work and having responsibilities again. I like the independence. Second, I am horribly awkward. Guillermo and Elisa said a really sweet goodbye, and all I wanted to do was cry. They were so sweet and heartfelt, and I was thinking, how do I say goodbye? I have to say goodbye to Ventura tomorrow. How do I say goodbye to such a kind man who has taught me so many things? Each time when I think about saying goodbye, I just want to cry and I am speechless. Saying goodbye pains me.

So since I'm not good at vocalizing goodbye, maybe if I type it out it will be easier. To Guillermo and Elisa, thank you for taking care of us. Your kindness has really helped me during this trip. Just being able to converse about everyday things made my day. To Tania, I knew right when you sent the first email that you were sweet. You said that if I needed anything, just to ask. This immediately reassured me about coming here. I was so nervous, and you found a way to calm me down. It's not easy, but you did it. Gewirtz, I appreciate you dealing with my annoying student personality. I kept bugging you and being overeager, and you never got visibly upset. I know I'm a bit much sometimes, but I appreciate it. To Ventura, you are so kind and patient. You are so humble and it makes me realize how much I want to do counseling. You are so passionate about your work and that inspires me. It even sparked an interest in Gestalt therapy in me. To the lunch ladies and the workers at the dorm, you guys are literally the nicest people on the planet. You compliment me on using my Spanish, even when it isn't good. You got ice cream for me even when all I asked for was a place that sold it. You are throwing us a farewell party, and that means more than I can possibly express. Words could never thank you enough. To my classmates and friends, I hope you know that if I see you on campus, I will smile, wave, and hopefully talk to you if you are not busy. This trip was the trip of a lifetime, and I am so grateful that you all were here with me. This trip was amazing because you were all on it. You guys are all awesome. Never change.

So the next stop is Italy, and then back to Minnesota. It's bittersweet saying goodbye, but I know the next journey is around the corner. Goodbye Madrid. I will always remember you.

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