Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Warrior Woman

I'm writing this while listening to "See You Again" by Wiz Khalifa. Ever since giving that presentation in class about how music gives you chills, I've been listening to songs that give me chills. Ironically, they are all songs that are depressing. I don't want to be depressed, but there is something beautiful about these songs that no matter what, I can't stop listening to them. I just feel a deep emotional connection with the music. This song makes me sad because it makes me think of home and the people that I miss. Still, this song reminds me that I will see them soon.

It's conflicting being here sometimes. Madrid is better than Minneapolis in every way. I just wish I could bring people from back home here. Then everything would be perfect. Sometimes I catch myself missing home, but then I remember how much I don't want to leave. But we all have to leave sometime.

My cousin visited me last weekend. She even accompanied me to my internship because she wanted to see what I do. She was enamored by Ventura. Kayla even started laughing when he mispronounced a word. I felt somewhat embarrassed. I have nothing but respect for Ventura, and seeing someone laugh at him really upset me. Especially considering how much I struggle with speaking in Spanish. I probably sound like a fool to the natives, but no one has ever laughed at me. Okay end rant.

I know who I'm using for my final project in the Research class. I am thrilled that I found a client that inspired me as much as this one. While I can't give too much information because of confidentiality, I can say I am in awe by her. I like to live like a warrior. Meaning, every obstacle thrown in my way I use to make myself stronger. I fight. I battle. And I win. This woman is just like me in that sense. She is a true warrior, and I am honored to use her for my final project. I wish I could give more information, but I guess everyone is going to just have to wait a few weeks until I reveal my presentation. All I can say is I am excited to give it. This woman is an inspiration, and I hope you all fall in love with her just like I did.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

My Masterpiece

So I'm supposed to write a blog, but I have no idea how to begin to describe this experience. I feel like I've somehow teleported to a whole new place. It amazes me how I could sit on my butt for 8 hours and end up on the other side of the globe. Maybe it's because this is my first time being out of the country. It's my first time being completely independent.

I guess I'm an adult now.

But let's get to what everyone wants to know: How is the internship?

Let me tell you, it's amazing. I'm learning so many therapeutic techniques. I consider myself a Cognitive-Behavioral therapist trainee, but I'm learning other techniques to help further my understanding of counseling. Not only that, but my boss Ventura is the biggest sweetheart. It's weird seeing your boss wear a V neck with his chest hair peeping out, but that's normal in Spain. (And so is PDA). I only wish I could observe more therapies, because I find it fascinating. Some people are intrigued by art. This to me is art. I am watching someone reveal their innermost parts of themselves, and I get to see how they transform. It's beautiful. It's like waiting for a flower to bloom.

So I hope I did Madrid justice. This experience is truly beyond words. Everything and everyone has truly been a blessing. So to all those in Madrid, I hope this wasn't boring. To everyone in MN, I will see you soon.
